
are of our

core Values

  • multilateral cooperation

    Multi-partisan is richness.

    Focal Zone is proudly hosting intervenors from varied affiliations and levels.

    Focal Zone is dedicated to foster a diverse constructive environment through a multi-partisan/ trans-partisan forum.

  • Dialogue

    Establishing bidirectional communication channels from throughout the wide spectrum; ethnical, political and beyond.

    This involves providing the opportunity for open and transparent discussions between partisans and partners, addressing common concerns, in a way to shed light on primordial issues, varied topics, opportunities and solutions.

    It also involves enhancing horizonal communication among emerging professionals as well, by providing opportunities to network with peers and learn from others.

  • Geographic Exposure

    With a global vision and noble goals, and as we are moving forward, our diversified team is getting broader.

    Focusing on skills and expertise, Focal Zone is attracting both mentors and mentees from overseas.

  • Civic engagement

    Mentors have been chosen for their civic or organizational engagement, beyond their initial career technical paths.

    Raising awareness among emerging potentials starts with providing them with concrete successful patterns.

  • Openness

    Giving back to society. A noble goal that could only be achieved when we overcome narrow-mindedness, narrow interests, intolerance and prejudice.

    In the other hand, success is about helping other, unconditionally, to excel.

  • Leverage is in Values !


The Council Chamber at the Palais des Nations, UN Office at Geneva, has accommodated many important historical negotiations, including the Conference on Disarmament.

The splendor gold and sepia murals, painted by the Catalan artist José María Sert in 1936, depict human progress through health, technology, freedom and peace – all united by five colossal Dantesque figures (representing the world’s five continents) grasping each other’s hands in apocalyptical triumph at the dome of the ceiling.

On either side of the Chamber are two monumental bronze doors, with Latin inscriptions, one of them by Francisco Suárez (1548–1617), a highly influential philosopher and theologian of the Second Scholastic (or “Early Modern Scholasticism”).

“humanum genus quamtumuis in varios populos et regna divisum semper habet aliquam unitate, non solum specificam sed etiam quasi politicam et moralem quam indicat naturale praeceptum mutui amoris et misericordiae

tractatus de legibus lib, ii, cap, xix”

(free translation) - “the human race [quamtumuis] the various peoples and kingdoms divided always has some unity, not only specific but also as a political and moral than indicates that natural commandment of mutual love and mercy

the treatise of the laws of the lib, ii, cap, xix”